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How to grow longer hair

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the thousands of people who have been searching for ways to grow longer hair. The answer is that it’s not as easy as it sounds. A lot of it has to do with genetics and the environment, but despite this, there are steps you can take to grow your hair longer and thicker over time. Obviously, the best way is to start wearing a wig so that you can preserve your natural hair, but in this article, we’re going to discuss a few options you can choose that will help you get the natural long hair you’ve been dreaming of.


This one might seem like a no-brainer, but believe it or not, a lot of people out there simply don’t get enough of the right vitamin in their diet that promotes hair growth. Besides taking a multi-vitamin that covers everything you need, you’ll want to look for Biotin at your local shop. Taking Biotin is proven to promote healthy hair growth and may even repair damaged growth cells in the scalp. A nice little side effect of Biotin is that it also helps keep your nails and skin looking great, so it’s this should definitely be something you should be taking daily.

Fish and Nuts

Fish oil isn’t just good for the heart, it contains healthy fatty acids that keep your natural hair protected. Taking a good amount of pure fish oil contains chains of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids that have been shown in studies to help the growth of new hair while protecting the sheath of your existing hair follicles. You can find fish oil at almost any vitamin store, but the best way to consume it is to eat a healthy diet high in seafood.  Another oil beneficial to long hair growth is also found in some of your favorite nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Nuts contain the same chained fatty acid found in fish, but with an extra kick of minerals included; like zinc and vitamin A which is a natural antioxidant, as well as manganese and B-vitamins which help keep your immune system at its best.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

This is one little secret very few people know about. Pumpkin seed oil helps to regulate your hormone levels by blocking harmful chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily basis. Pumpkin seed oil is scientifically proven to help block toxic phthalates you might consume when you drink water or eat food out of a plastic container. A buildup of phthalates in your body can disrupt the normal production of hormones your body needs to produce hair and healthy skin. It’s best to avoid consuming products from plastic containers when possible, but if you can’t; taking pumpkin seed oil will help block those hormone disruptors before they get a chance to harm you.

Wearing a Wig

This is often the best solution when trying to grow out your natural hair. Wearing a wig is becoming more and more socially savvy because it lets a person switch looks and hairstyles without damaging their own natural hair. Not only that but no one will be able to tell the difference when you’re wearing a high-quality human hair wig from Wearing a wig allows you to give your hair and your scalp a day off. It also protects it from the air in the environment as well, which means you don’t need to wash your hair as often as before (this is actually a good thing because you don’t want to strip your hair of its natural oil).

No matter how you choose to grow your hair, is your one-stop shop when it comes to all your wig needs. We have a large variety of colors and styles to choose from, whether you want all-natural human hair, or if you prefer synthetic, we have it at

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