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Foods for hair growth

There are many ways in which we can indirectly condition and promote hair growth in our lives, and diet is one of them. However, most ingredients have effects and properties, as well as side effects and even contraindications. Today we will introduce the mild, simple sand less contraindicated ingredients in the food that can regrow hair, you may want to try.

1, black beans

Black beans are the less taboo of all hair growth ingredients. Simple to use, more popular, so ranked first. Black beans are mainly to promote intestinal peristalsis and increase the metabolic capacity of the digestive system. Gentle and toning liver and kidney. Black beans have more protein, eat more intestinal gas more effect, the other are relatively mild.

Usage: black beans hair growth effect is good, the general usage is fried black beans or boiled black beans. Cooked with vinegar honey and other soaking, made of vinegar beans, just eat a few daily.

Effects: Regulates the intestines and stomach, promotes the metabolism of the digestive system, detoxifies and nourishes the skin. Acting on the body, appetite restored, bowel movements normalized, skin tone improved, hair growth accelerated, etc.

2, black sesame

No. 2 black sesame. Black sesame is the milder of the ingredients. It can be used with any food and is also used in various recipes. Sesame oil is also one of the foods used for hair growth, and in ancient times it was even used to coat the bare scalp to treat hair loss and prevent dry and cracked epidermis, etc. Sesame seeds are one of the ingredients that contain the largest variety of nutrients, contain unsaturated fatty acids and do not grow flesh.

Usage: Black sesame seeds are taken mainly by frying with salt and sugar, one spoonful at a time. It is easy and cheap to use. It is good for body tonicity.

Effect: One or two spoons of black sesame per day has the effect of solving malnutrition. Black sesame seeds warm the kidneys. It also has the effect of slippery intestine, if taken in large quantities for a long time can cause stool sticking. But 1 or 2 spoons per day is not a problem.

3, walnuts

Walnuts are common and simple to use, No. 3. Walnuts are mainly to fill the brain marrow and replenish the essence of blood. Walnuts act on the brain. Walnut skin slightly numb and bitter, indeed, can regulate the secretion of brain glands. Walnuts are tree nuts, less public harm, rich in mineral elements and vitamins. Studies have shown that people who often eat walnuts have a longer average life expectancy than those who do not.

Usage: Walnuts for hair growth mainly to eat the outside layer of bitter dry skin. You can shell the walnuts, stir-fry the sugar with a small amount of bottom oil into an amber sugar sauce and pour it over the walnuts. Sprinkle with some white sesame seeds. Make amber walnuts, suitable for both young and old.

Effects: Walnuts can promote sleep, soothe emotions and regulate endocrine. Improves blood lipid to blood sugar ratio. Soften blood vessels and have the effect of unblocking capillaries. Long-term use has the effect of hair growth.


No. 4 seaweed. Seaweed is a common ingredient that we have a wide range, like nori and spirulina. Seaweed contains biotin and cellular active substances that are not found in terrestrial plants and animals. It can be absorbed by human body directly. And seaweed is rich in minerals and animal vitamins. Unlike fruits and nuts, the absorption ratio of nutrients in seaweed is much higher than that of terrestrial foods. The human body accepts it more. The main action of seaweed is in the blood.

Usage: Seaweed is relatively easy to use, there are special seaweed snacks, and you can also make soup, cooking, etc. But seaweed snacks are generally salty, this point should be noted, if the salt is too high, do not eat more, lighten over it is no problem.

Efficacy: seaweed is mainly to soften blood vessels, lower blood pressure, blood lipids, remove impurities within the blood, blood detoxification effect is relatively good. Also nutritious. The nature of mild, young and old pregnant women can be used after childbirth. Hair growth effect is also not bad.

5、Poplar peaches

Poppy peaches are a fruit that cannot be bought in many places due to seasonal factors and geographical influences. We ranked No. 5. poppy peaches have a rich variety of vitamins and a very good content ratio. It contains glucose glycogen, as well as malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid and so on. In itself is the effect of emollient skin tone. It can also reduce body heat, detoxify the body, promote metabolism, and help detoxify the body. Poppy peaches have the special effect of allowing the body to increase moisture. Regular consumption of poppy peaches, the body moisture ratio is better.

Usage: Yangtze peaches are fruits and can be used directly. Do cooked cooking and other effects rather poor.

Efficacy: poppy peach has a better effect of clearing fat and removing stasis. Can promote digestion. Clear heat and detoxify. Remove dampness and toxicity. Promote healthy hair growth, can often eat.

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